Program Format

With Keys of Inspiration®, we have established a replicable pathway into the world of music for Grades 2-5.

School A: Year One (First Term)

  • All 2nd & 3rd (Cohort I) grade students begin at the introduction level, meeting two or more times per week
  • Piano lab & materials are donated by program
  • Estimating the average grade size is 100 students, approximately 200 students are enrolled in the program in the first year

School A: Year Two (First Term)

  • Cohort I progresses to 3rd & 4th grades, continues meeting two or more times per week
  • Launch Cohort II: New 2nd grade students begin program
  • Approximately 300 students are enrolled by the second year

School A: Year Three (First Term)

  • Cohort I progresses to 4th & 5th grades
  • Cohort II progresses to 3th grade
  • Launch Cohort III: New 2nd grade students begin program
  • Approximately 400 students are enrolled in the final year of the first term

School A: Year Four + (Second Term)

  • When the school completes the three year grant period (first term), the school takes full ownership of the program and continues the model, initiating a new class every year