Keys of Inspiration®

“Music has the power of producing a certain effect on the moral character of the soul, and if it has the power to do this, it is clear that the young must be directed to music and must be educated in it.”
– Aristotle, Politics

We strive to change the way music education is perceived in the public school system. With Keys of Inspiration®, we have established a replicable pathway into the world of music for grades 2-5.

Keys of Inspiration® is a music intervention program, focusing on selected schools nationwide with limited resources. With KOI, we are able to reach students of all backgrounds, and give them a chance to experience the power of music by encouraging piano performance at all levels as a means of social development for youth. The Keys of Inspiration® classroom provides students with a safe, creative outlet in school and gives them a chance to build self-confidence, develop a drive for excellence and a sense of achievement.

Keys of Inspiration®:

  • Offers a safe, creative outlet for emotional release in schools
  • Implements high-quality music learning experiences for all students
  • Delivers a rigorous music education program that supports student achievement in music, as well as overall academic and social performance

School Selection Criteria:

  • Title 1 School
  • 75% minimum enrollment in Free/Reduced Lunch Program

After an intensive application process, selected schools receive the following:

  • A state-of-the-art Roland piano lab
  • An exciting curriculum, developed by Lang Lang
  • Teaching materials and supplies

We strive to ignite a passion for music in youth so that they can be leaders in bridging cultural gaps, helping to unite local and global communities. We believe that by encouraging music study in the public school setting, we are laying the groundwork for a brighter tomorrow.

Our Teachers:

All Keys of Inspiration® teachers are talented music educators, and receive additional Professional Development opportunities through KOI. Each summer, our teachers come together in New York City for workshops designed to meet their needs as group piano instructors. Teachers have the opportunity to explore what it means to teach group piano, and discover how to use the state-of-the-art technology that makes up their lab. This collaborative workshop creates a unique community of teachers who are not only dedicated to changing the world with music.

Through a new collaboration with Carnegie Hall, our Keys of Inspiration® teachers now have the opportunity to attend the week-long Carnegie Hall Summer Music Educators Workshop. In July 2017, our teachers spent a week at Carnegie Hall with highly esteemed guest faculty. They learned how to embrace creativity in the classroom, integrate technology into their lessons, and use composition and improvisation to inspire their students.

We believe that a quality music education starts with the teacher, and our goal is to make sure that our educators have all the necessary tools to successfully implement this program.